"Vision of Vocational Diaspora", Bringing Opportunities for UMM Applied Poultry Agribusiness Scholars (S.Tr.Agr.Ply) to Career in International Companies Overseas


D4 Poultry Agribusiness, Directorate of Vocational Education and Training, UMM - With the "Vision of Vocational Diaspora" is committed to giving birth to a superior and independent generation through Specified Skill Worker Programs in the field of poultry.

"Diaspora Vocationalism" is a new paradigm in which vocational education is of international standard, complete with international competency certificates, as a provision for pursuing a career in an international company.

It is hoped that this "Diaspora Vocational" is a form of real contribution from the University of Muhammadiyah Malang to remove the low stigma in the international world for Indonesian Migrant Workers (IMW) who only work in the informal sector (factory workers, household members), but have certified skills and competent in their field.

In collaboration with International Companies, alumni of the Directorate of Vocational Education and Training of UMM managed to work in several countries, such as: Japan, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Establishment of a training program and work placement in Japan with PT. OS Selnajaya Indonesia is one of the programs established by the UMM Directorate of Vocational Education and Training.